
Nantyffyllon RFC | 1st Team 16 - 23 Birchgrove RFC | 1st Team
Ieuan Kingdon
Try 1
Elis Bird
Penalty 1
Tadhg Mcguckin
Conversion 1
Penalty 2
Lewis Steven Cox
1 Try
Jake Crockett
2 Conversion
3 Penalty
Steffan Gibson
1 Try

Match Report
21 September 2024 / Team News


After a week off the Birchgrove faithful decamped to the splendour of Nantyfyllon’s magnificent Blosse Street home with umbrella’s and storm weather gear in hand only to be met by blue skies and streaming sunshine which augured well for a fine and open game .

Well the standard did not disappoint as both sides set about their task with vigour and vitality with Birchgrove coming away with a well-deserved 16 – 23 victory, the first ever at this venue in the memory of those at the game.

Nanty kicked off and Birch gave an early indication that they intended to test the opposition at every opportunity. A little over exuberance though provided the home side with two penalty opportunities to take the lead, both thankfully unsuccessful.

With forward drives orchestrated by the ever lively Lewis Cox, Josh Key , Liam Richards and Jack Rodon added to the wily  skills of  Scott Gibson , the probing Jamie Sturgess and the silky speed of full back Jake Crockett and wing Steff Gibson you thought a score is on the cards at any second.

Well a score it was but not for the side with all the possession and all the territory Nanty won  a scrum a muddled kick forward a few dubious on or off side touches and they were over for the first try, converted and somehow we were  7 – 0 down.

But back to the script, more pressure from the visitors 5 / 6 phases, Dirksen power play and over for a try. Not in the refs’ eyes nor the baying home support so it was left to full back Crockett to slot over a long range penalty to get the visitors on the score sheet 7- 3. Having broken the duck Birch were now well in control and a powerful break from Hanno Dirksen showing welcome signs of his Osprey heydays gave Steff Gibson the opportunity to show his class and a clean pair of heels to the opposition with a 30 yard run in. Converted by Crockett 7- 10.

In the blink of an eye we are back on the attack, Lewis Cox with a slightly mis handled catch managed somehow to track the ball going sweetly through a number of visiting hands to be on the end of the move which saw him run in for try number 2, again converted by Crockett for a handsome 7-17 half time lead.

The second half quickly brought another Crockett penalty and  7- 20 was looking pretty good. But Nanty were no slouches and they were able to ably block a break out from defence and gain a penalty of their own 10-20.

A time for reflection and a steady ship perhaps but this Birchgrove team lack nothing if not enterprise and there followed a period of frantic action with forwards and backs from both sides hurtling at each other with bone crunching ferocity that was felt even on the sidelines and resulted in the visitors temporarily reduced to 14 men.

The home side scenting weakness like a predator sensing its prey intensified their attacks and despite brave defensive cover from the Robins they secured another 3 points with a well taken penalty 13 – 20. Birch though were not going to yield what would be a famous first victory at this venue and bounced back. Crockett proving that he can be our  rock of dependability  this season slotted over another penalty 13 – 23.

You got the impression that this was now under control and Josh Jarrett almost sealed things with a searing break only to run out of support but horror of horrors a home penalty expertly guided through the posts and 16 – 23 with a few minutes on the clock was shall we say a little uncomfortable. No panic, stick to the game plan punch holes in their defence, use our skills behind everything will be ok. Sure enough a penalty comes our way but for once Jake Crockett could not deliver but not a problem the clock was on our side and a thoroughly deserved victory was ours.

With other results going our way we are now the only team in the league with a 100% record and sit proudly on top of the League. Aberavon Green Stars at home next week, the buzz is on let’s get behind the lads and retain the momentum


So many candidates for Man of the Match this week.


The pack were outstanding, Josh Key, Lewis Cox and Jack Perkins livewires in the loose. A solid second row and great contributions in the tight and loose from the front three.

The halfbacks Gibson and Sturgess starting to get their understanding together

The back line, Steff Gibson like a whisper in the wind, the dependability, strength and power of Beynon, Dirksen and Butler the bedrock of defence and attack

And a great contribution from the Substitutes.

So it’s only a 13 point haul plus overall contribution with ball in hand from Jake Crockett that finely sets him apart

MOM is Jake Crockett

Sorry no action photos this week, Jeff is away on holiday



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